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Committee Members:
- Dr. James Malm, Chancellor and Search Chair UNM-Gallup
- Dr. Randi Archuleta, Dean of Instruction UNM-Taos
- Ms. Anita Bringas, Strategic Support Manage/Executive Office UNM-Taos
- Ms. Amie Chavez-Aguilar, Humanities Chair/Lecturer/Taos Faculty Council President UNM-Taos
- Dr. Pamela Cheek, Associate Provost of Student Success UNM
- Ms. Peggy De'Scoville, Student UNM-Taos
- Ms. Whitney Goler, Secretary Taos School Board
- Dr. Glenabah Martinez, Associate Dean for Educator Preparation and Development UNM
- Dr. Colin Nichols, Department Chair, Science and Mathematics UNM-Taos
- Mr. James Sanborn, President Taos School Board/Chair UNM-Taos Advisory Board
- Ms. Bettina Sandoval, Division Director, Taos Pueblo Education and Training